Data has $urpassed Oil in Value – Here’s Why

Every era in human history has been acknowledged as a noteworthy point in time, primarily due to those who possess not only wealth and power, but the exploitation of that wealth and power. This new age of digital information is becoming more realized not only on the advancements of technology alone, but a significant element present in all …

A Cloud’s Eye View Of Cyber VUCA In Age Of Rapid Change

As we wind down National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, I wanted to share some thoughts based on recent discussions with a few other cybersecurity professionals and some small business owners about the accelerated migration to the cloud. This article attempts to capture my observations, looking down over the landscape at a 10000-foot view. Security professionals are …

Risk & Responsibility: Is Your Corporate Board Prepared?

Those of you who know me or have been students of mine know that I constantly rant about the supreme importance of knowing and understanding the client’s business, in order to intelligently comprehend and appreciate the risks the business faces. Well, the same goes for the board of directors. Obtaining an understanding of the company’s …

Within sight, in front of mind!

The sixth principle of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development is “The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation“. We have all experienced situations in which our not seeing the person we were speaking with resulted in a misinterpretation of what was being said. When …