What does a Digital Transformation in the Pharma Industry look like?

What does a Digital Transformation in the Pharma Industry look like? The pharmaceutical industry differs from other industries in that digital transformation is critical for improved patient care, cost-effectiveness, greater transparency, production, and drug development. As the article mentioned above showed, digital transformation in the pharmaceutical industry will enable the industry to manufacture counterfeit-proof medications, …

The rise of India as a healthcare giant is no surprise

India Rising Even before the historic Portugal-to-India voyage of Vasco da Gama in the 15th century, India fired the minds of traders and merchants. Today, 600 years later, the healthcare industry is feeling the allure of the subcontinent. The attraction is justified. India has become the largest vaccine supplier in the world, producing 62 percent …

Addressing the Rise and Fall of Health Care Consumerism Through Technology

Accompanied by the high-deductible health plans and cost sharing models, consumerism has been steadily on the rise in the healthcare industry. Hospitals that are able to successfully handle these challenges may be in a better position to stay financially viable in a period when competitive pricing and patient satisfaction can make or break a hospital’s …

Are Your Customers About To Dump You?

I have had the same mobile (cell phone) company in the UK for around 25 years. However, I am about to leave them—and they don’t know it. With my imminent departure on the horizon, I wondered how do organizations avoid customer defection? It turns out that customers usually indicate they are going to leave, and …