The Future of Radiology And Artificial Intelligence

What if an algorithm could tell you whether you have cancer based on your CT scan or mammography exam? While I am confident that radiologists’ creative work will be necessary in the future to solve complex issues and supervise diagnostic processes, A.I. will definitely become part of their daily routine in diagnosing simpler cases and …

Impact Of Teleradiology On Health Care

Teleradiology is the most mature and rapidly evolving branch of telemedicine. It uses computers and telecommunication networks to transmit diagnostic images and data from one location to another for primary review and interpretation as well as specialist consultation. HISTORY One review claims that the first reference to telemedicine in medical literature can be traced back …

Teleradiology platforms with blockchain – the business case

Teleradiology is ripe for blockchain. Healthcare image diagnosis and treatment is based on trust; It could be based on truth. Let’s explore how. Teleradiology, or remote radiology service, is the future of radiology. Information technology has been the genesis of radiology and nuclear medicine. Night-hawk services have changed the future of work for radiology. All …

Four Ways Connected MedTech Will Make Medicine More Precise

Welcome to the Age of Medical Connectivity. Today there are more than 500,000 different types of medical devices—from imaging equipment and POC analyzers to implants and wearables—that are connected directly or indirectly to healthcare databases and networks. The power of these networked devices to turn data into faster, more accurate diagnoses and treatments is overwhelming. …

Covid Epi Weekly: Harrowing Holidays

It’s hard to imagine a worse confluence. Cases are surging in much of the US. People are tired of the limitations the virus is imposing. Economic harm is real, painful, and persistent. And White House communications have continued to mislead, divide, and deny. Bottom line (almost) up front: there IS one thing that can stop …