Intelligent Data Management for Digital Transformation

In today’s progressive and forward-looking era, businesses are hardly functional without leveraging the technology around them. In 2020, an EY report shows that companies ahead in digital transformation share habits that are leading to improved financial performance. The ever-evolving digital landscape means competitive business models targeting the operations of the current business setup in unique …

Risk Management or Compliance?

Is risk management taking a back seat to compliance? Risk management frameworks are often seen as a lower priority than the specific activities associated with compliance. In a busy commercial environment, it is easy to focus on complying with rules rather than implementing effective risk management. It is also easy to focus on a headline, …

Telecoms and Artificial Intelligence

Telecommunication companies face growing demand from clients for better customer experience as well as a wider range of digitalized products and services. By leveraging AI solutions, telecoms can benefit from the vast amounts of user data collected over years of operations. Such data is observed from devices, networks, user profiles, geolocations, mobile applications, service and …

Facts to Know about Robotic Process Automation

RPA stands for robotic process automation, which is an automation technology that uses robotics and/or artificial intelligence (AI). RPA is regarded as the future of automation testing, with a distinct methodology and numerous advantages. It differs from the conventional automation method, which is carried out with the help of a test automation tool such as …

BPA vs RPA vs Process Optimization 101

I often hear the terms Business Process Automation (BPA) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) used interchangeably, and while they are both important to improving processes in an organization, they are different. I’ve also included an overview of Business Process Optimization (BPO) below to validate that it too has different strategies & outcomes. Here’s your 101 …

Leading Constructive Disruption by Embracing Collisions to Reinvent Brand-Building

Brand building has been continually disrupting as the transition to a digital world reshapes consumer engagement with our brands – and it accelerated by about 5 years in 2020.    Traditional TV reach keeps declining…colliding with over-the-top streaming services and connected TV that are growing exponentially – but with few or no ads.   Digital media keeps …

3 Missed Opportunities in Telehealth

Are you overlooking these ways to engage more patients remotely? The use of telehealth skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic, as both patients and doctors rapidly adopted the technology to minimize exposure risk while maintaining patients’ health. Telemedicine will likely wane after the height of the pandemic, experts predict, but usage will remain higher than before. …

Essential Considerations for CTMS Integrations and Data Migrations

Clinical research sites that are in the process of investigating clinical trial management system (CTMS) adoption are finding that the site CTMS space is in flux with mergers, discontinued products, and new start-ups looking to drive innovation. It can be challenging to focus on what’s important to each individual site as they evaluate the available …

CTMS Implementation Success: Top Five Steps to Keep You On Track

CTMS implementation success might seem not that easy, especially when utilizing this kind of software for the first time. In this case it is important to have a very well sketched plan that will help you with the initial steps to get everything in place. The beginning is the toughest part and this is the …