How Google’s Anthos Is Different from AWS and Azure Hybrid Clouds

Google brings a new game to town with the recent announcement of its Anthos product hitting general availability. Anthos was conceived to help developers and IT administrators navigate the complex waters of distributed applications. While Microsoft was the first hyperscale cloud platform operator to make it possible to run its cloud environment in customers’ own data centers …

IoTSWC 2018 awards Huawei, IoTerop-Synox, Nokia and Intel-ARM-Pelion for their innovative solutions

Huawei, IoTerop–Synox and Nokia were this year’s winning companies at the IoT Awards held at IoT Solutions World Congress (IoTSWC), the providing international industrial internet event organised by Fira de Barcelona in recognition of the best projects developed in the field of the industrial internet throughout the last year. Similarly, the solution jointly developed by Intel, ARM and Pelion enabling users to connect any IoT device …

Facebook declares worldwide digital currency Libra, to rolls out in 2020

Facebook is rolling out to launch cryptocurrency money its expectations will “change the worldwide economy.” The currency, named Libra, is being created by Facebook, yet the organization means to impart control to a consortium of associations, including investment firms, credit card organizations, and other tech monsters. At launch, you’ll have the option to send Libra …