What Does The Rise of 2D Technology in the Semiconductor Industry Look Like?

Scientists are investigating different potential materials for future nodes, but development is slow. The issue of channel management in greatly scaled transistors has gained prominence in recent years, and 2D semiconductors have emerged as a major possible solution. It is expected that the channel thickness would also decrease in tandem with the size of the …

Autonomous Vehicles and Drones: Their Potential in Logistics

The job of science is to turn imagination into reality. Many believe that even science has its limitations compared to a functioning human mind. That is why the autonomous functioning of a scientific gadget is seen as a dream that will take too long to foray into reality. However, with the help of artificial intelligence …

How 3D Reports Are Set To Be The Next Big Thing in Teleradiology

3D medical reporting or imaging and teleradiology have transformed how surgical planning and radiological diagnosis are carried out. 3D reconstructions provide life-like representations of the targeted part of a subject virtually, which can easily aid the radiologists in understanding the condition and functionality of the targetted part. It allows them to plan the surgical procedures …

What Are The Advantages of Edge Computing in Telecom Systems?

Telecom edge computing, also known as Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) or Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC), places processing and storage capacity close to the network’s endpoints so that applications may take advantage of latency-sensitive connections. Enterprises may deploy edge computing in various on-premises locations, including factories, residences, and transportation modes (including aircraft, trains, and automobiles). Providers …